Education for First Nations Australians

SEDA College (SA) supports the national agreement ‘Closing the Gap’ and in doing so is driven to support equity for all Indigenous young people. At the College, we aim to provide a culturally safe space so Indigenous young people are engaged, educated and empowered to thrive now and in the future.

kaurna acknowledgement

Artist: SEDA College SA Alumni Kira Buckskin


Ngadlu tampinthi yalaka ngadlu Kaurna yartangka inparrinthi. Ngadludlu tampinthi, parnaku tuwila yartangka.

Kaurna Miyurna yaitya yarta-mathanya Wama Tarntanyaku, parnaku yailtya, parnaku tapa puru purruna. Kaurna Miyurna ithu yailtya purruna, yarta kuma puru martinthi, puru warri-apinthi, puru tangka martulayinthi.

Kuma kumartarna Yaitya Miyurna ngadludlu tampinthi iyangka yalaka. Parnaku yarta kumartarna yarta Kanthi Partu-arra kuma Warrunangku.


English Translation

We acknowledge this land that we meet on today is the traditional lands for the Kaurna people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country.

We also acknowledge the Kaurna people as the custodians of the Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Kaurna people today.

We also pay respects to the cultural authority of Aboriginal people visiting/attending from other areas of South Australia/Australia.

first nations EDUCATION

The College values and respects Kaurna people, the traditional custodians of the lands upon which learning at the College takes place. Each person at the college acknowledges the spiritual beliefs and cultural connections to this country that Kaurna people have held and continue to hold now and into the future.

At SEDA College (SA) our vision is enacted through our current Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). We aim to ensure First Nations young people are heard, valued, respected and supported to achieve their dreams. Working towards this vision, the College delivers a local Indigenous program led by a First Nations Program Coordinator. Our local program further leads into a National First Nations Education and Leadership Program in partnership with SEDA Group and Bridging the Gap Foundation.

These programs collectively provide authentic agency and high-quality, culturally appropriate experiences for young Indigenous people so their personal journey underpins their own unique identity and equips them with the skills to be successful.

To ensure the College demonstrates its commitment to equitable outcomes for young Indigenous people, the College offers full fee-paying scholarships for every First Nations student.


SEDA College (SA) is proud to offer Scholarships for Year 11 and 12 Indigenous students in South Australia.

SEDA College (SA) is proud to offer Scholarships for Year 11 and 12 Indigenous students in South Australia.

The Scholarship program is designed to empower young Indigenous people who are passionate about sport, dedicated to reaching their full potential and committed to using all the unique opportunities that SEDA College SA can provide. There are multiple Indigenous Scholarships available. Indigenous young people who are passionate about sport are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more Information

Please see below or contact, Monica Bates, SEDA College SA Admissions, by email at


The College understands young Indigenous people face challenges beyond those of a non-Indigenous young person and aims to provide a program that supports them to overcome such barriers.

The follow are some items included in the SA Program:

  • Indigenous Induction Day
  • Indigenous Learning Plans
  • Cultural Development Activities
  • Indigenous Voice Group

Upon enrolment, the College invites all Indigenous students to a program induction prior to starting at the College where specific details of the program are shared and connections begin to be established.

At the beginning of the school year, each Indigenous student and their family works alongside our Indigenous Program Coordinator, their teacher and their mentor to develop a personalized Indigenous Learning Plan. This plan ensures that all key people are working collectively for the benefit of every Indigenous young person so they can work towards their individual goals. Through regular contact, each Indigenous student and their family have discussions with the teacher, mentor and Indigenous Program Coordinator to ensure that all of the right supports are in place at the right times.

Throughout the year, the College engages in cultural activities and with cultural role models to support greater connection with Indigenous communities. This is done on the basis of recognising role models play a significant part in empowering a young person. Additionally, the inclusion of cultural activities provides opportunities for greater cultural understanding for the whole college.

Furthermore, our Indigenous Voice Group, which is convened by our Indigenous Program Coordinator, provides further regular opportunities for Indigenous students to meet, share and discuss relevant matters as well as giving a platform for genuine agency on any and all matters deemed appropriate by the group.

Finally, the College encourages Indigenous students to enrol with the South Australian Aboriginal Secondary Training Academy (SAASTA) to further strengthen cultural development and connection.


During AFL Dreamtime week in 2018, SEDA Group (SEDA) officially launched the SEDA National Indigenous Education and Leadership Program at The Long Walk luncheon. The program is supported by a number of other Indigenous partner organisations including: The Long Walk, MADALAH, Tiwi College, Tiwi Islands Training and Employment Board (TITEB), Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) and Culture is Life.

The focus of the SEDA National Indigenous Education and Leadership Program is to work closely with the sporting industry, education sector and Indigenous community partners to educate and empower our Indigenous students and assist them to realise their potential. A key aspect of the program is to develop the next generation of young Indigenous leaders and role models and create strong pathways for our students into higher education and/or employment.

Indigenous SEDA College students in South Australia will be immersed in the program through a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Pending funding, these students will also have the opportunity to attend a National Indigenous Leadership Camp. This annual event will bring together SEDA Indigenous students from all around Australia.

Students in South Australia will meet as a group several times a year and undertake a range of activities, such as:

  • Engaging with Indigenous organisations, Elders and strengthening culture
  • Receiving and providing mentoring support
  • Mapping meaningful pathways to employment and/or higher education
  • Leadership development
  • Academic support in term break holidays

*SEDA Group RTO 22503

Request a copy of the SEDA College SA Prospectus to learn more